"> Upcoming Parish Liturgical & Social Events – Prince of Peace

Upcoming Parish Liturgical & Social Events

 Confessions are scheduled every Saturday in our Parish Church from 3 pm to 3:30 pm.  Our Saturday Vigil  Mass at 4:00 pm  and  Sunday Mass at 8:30 am  and 10:30 am will be celebrated in our Parish Church and the doors will open 1/2 hour prior to the start of Mass.

Mass will be live streamed every Sunday morning at  10:30 am on our Facebook page, MyParish App and on our webpage (popsteelton.org).  For those of you who do not have a computer, you may listen to the Mass on your phone by calling the below toll free number:       1-855-635-1965

    You may tune your radio station to 90.7 FM and listen to the Mass in your car in the back parking lot. You would need to come into our Parish Church to receive the Holy Eucharist.

   Blessing and glory, wisdom and thanksgiving, honor, power and might be to our God forever and ever.  Amen. Alleluia!


February 4, 2025: 50+ Meeting/Luncheon in Parish Center at 1:00pm

February 4, 2025: Religious Education Class at 6:00pm in Library of Parish Center

February 4, 2025: Knights of Columbus meeting at 7:00pm in Knights Room

February 5, 2025: St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr

February 5, 2025: Morning Mass at 7:00m

February 6, 2025: St. Paul Miki & Companions, Martyrs

February 6, 2025: Morning Mass at 7:00am

February 7, 2025: Morning Mass at 7:00m

February 8. 2025 Vigil Mass 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time at 4:00pm

February 9, 2025: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Mass at 8:30am & 10:30am

February 9, 2025: World Day for Consecrated Life. World Marriage Day.

February 10, 2025: St. Scholastica, Virign

February 10, 2025: No Morning Mass

February 11, 2025: Our Lady of Lourdes

February 11, 2025: Morning Mass at 7:00am

February 11, 2025: Mary’s Helpers Pantry from 10:00am to 12 Noon

February 11, 2025: Religious Education Class at 6:00pm in Library of Parish Center

February 12, 2025: Morning Mass at 7:00m

February 13, 2025: Morning Mass at 7:00am

February 13, 2025: Holy Hour at 6:00pm in Church with Rosary and Benediction

February 14, 2025: Happy Valentine Day

February 14, 2025: Sts. Cyril & Methodius

February 14, 2025: Morning Mass at 7:00am

February 15, 2025: Vigil Mass at 4:00pm 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 16, 2025: 6th Sunday in Ordinary time. Mass at 8:30am and 10:30am

February 17, 2025: The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order

February 17, 2025: No Morning Mass

February 17, 2025: Presidents Day

February 18, 2025: Morning Mass at 7:00am

February 18, 2025: Mary’s Helpers Pantry from 10am to 12 noon

February 18, 2025: Religious Education Class at 6:00pm in Library of Parish Center

February 19, 2025: Morning Mass at 7:00am

February 19, 2025: Morning Mass at 7:00am

February 20, 2025: Morning Mass at 7:00am

February 21, 2025: St. Peter Damian, Bishop & Doctor of the Church

February 21, 2025: Morning Mass at 7:00am

February 22, 2025: Vigil Mass 7th Sunday in Ordinary time at 4:00pm

February 23, 2025: 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Mass at 8:30am and 10:30am

February 24, 2025: No Morning Mass

February 25, 2025: Morning Mass at 7:00am

February 25, 2025: Mary’s Helpers Pantry from 4:00pm to 7:00pm

February 25, 2025: Religious Education Class at 6:00pm in Library of Parish Center

February 26, 2025: Morning Mass at 7:00am

February 27, 2025: St. Gregory of Narek, Abbot and Doctor of the Church

February 28, 2025: Morning Mass at 7:00am
