Dear Parishioners,
As we celebrate the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary time, let’s know that people flock to Jesus to listen to his teaching and to be healed of their illnesses and this is a common sight in the Gospel.
Whenever Jesus sees the eagerness of people and their good disposition, he really engages himself in teaching them and if the teaching and healing sessions go on for too long, he would also provide them food so that they would not go back hungry.
Today’s Gospel presents to us one such occasion that people in large numbers came to Jesus. The Beatitudes that he places before them must have made good sense to them for these Beatitudes directly address their concerns.
They are the ones who are poor, hungry and weeping. Jesus has come to make the people free and liberated and he has succeeded in giving the people hope for a better life.
Let’s now examine our conscience and ask ourselves: Hasn’t Jesus really made me free? Did I ever really allow Jesus to come into my heart and cleanse me?
In the first reading Jeremiah makes a comparison between a person who depends on his own strength for his well being and the person who trusts in God for the same purpose.
In the second reading Paul argues strongly for the resurrection of Jesus and silences those who argue against it.
Let’s sincerely, therefore, commit ourselves to the Lord and cooperate with him believing that he may liberate us from every harm and make us inherit the heavenly kingdom. May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ bring you healing from anxieties, disputes, loneliness, sickness, sadness, pain, problems, worries and weariness.
Fr. Raj