Dear Parishioners
It is a pleasure to announce that Bishop Senior has assigned Fr. Arokiaraj Amalorpava, MSCC, as your new Parochial Vicar here at Prince of Peace. Fr. Raj, as he wishes to be called, has been working as a hospital chaplain in New Jersey and is glad to be working in a parish again.
I will still remain the Administrator for the foreseeable future but Father Raj will take care of Baptisms, Funerals, Weddings, Confessions, etc.. He will be available to meet with you and help you in any way he can. Father was educated in Rome at the Gregorian University and has been a priest for sixteen years. He was born and raised in India but has had a number of pastoral assignments, including Slovakia and North Carolina.
Please welcome Father Raj to the parish and show him the good hospitality and kindness for which Steelton is known. Know that I am still available if you have any questions or concerns.
As the Christmas Season draws ever closer, I pray that you and your families find peace, happiness and joy in Jesus, the newborn King!
Fr. Al