"> Pastor’s Corner – Prince of Peace

Sunday, September 8

He Has Done All Things Well

Dear Friends,

God’s direct and palpable intervention in human history or our own lives sometimes appears distant to us. In times of sickness, epidemics like Covid-19, the death of a loved one, the loss of a good job, hurricanes, fire, etc, we consciously or unconsciously question the presence of God or his “inaction”. It is also a fact that we never question the why of things: why was this person created? Why was a good job, good health, good weather, etc., given? In other words, we take the good things of life for granted but remember to query God once they go the way we do not expect. Those who are parents will remember their children, usually teenage children, behaving this way to them. When everything is provided, they often forget to say thanks…and when their usual isn’t available, queries arise. Even without being parents, we may recall that most of us behaved in similar ways as teenagers. In this way, one may conclude that we are always children – teenage children -before God.

Although at the time God is working out things it may appear slow, absent or disgusting, in the end looking at all thing from his perspective, one is likely to conclude that “he has done all things well”. Indeed, this is God acting in an eternal perspective where all things have a place and all things work out for good. God is with his people even when he appears not to be; he works in ways that defile human wisdom; he works for the good of those who maintain good courage and trust in him. May we trust in him.

Fr. Benjamin
