"> Let Us Prayerfully Remember – Prince of Peace

Let Us Prayerfully Remember

Let Us Prayerfully Remember Those Who Have Died Since

All Souls Day:  November 2, 2023

Eternal Rest Grant unto them, O Lord…and Let Perpetual light shine upon them.  May they rest in peace.  Amen.

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.  Amen.

        Bernadette Ward, Donald Zerance, Art Gustin, Albert Spandler, Edward Furlan, Pauline Breski, Patricia Salinger, Chief Gene A. Vance, III, Anna Jean Sviben, Pia A. Sviben, Michael Soutner, Dorothy Jambrosic, John Salov, Theresa Zupanovic, Sally (Falcone) LaTorre, Frederick J. Arena, Nicholas Weiss, Francis Saluta, Jean E. Skrbin, William M. Morrow, Ivo Fisic, Cathy (Iskric) Campbell,  Monica Kline, Victor J. Handley and Mary E. Stadler.
