"> Sunday, March 16 – Prince of Peace

Sunday, March 16

Dear Parishioners in Christ Jesus,

The Transfiguration is such an important event that the Church reminds us of it on the second Sunday of Lent each year. So, the Transfiguration marks the revelation of Jesus as the Christ and Son of God. It is like that of his baptism. In both instances, the voice of the Father is heard calling Jesus as his Beloved Son.

What is needed for us here is to experience the presence of Jesus and pay attention to his voice and listen to him. The visit on Mount Tabor makes clear that Jesus must undergo suffering and death, and hence Jesus had to have an encounter wit the Divine. This version has made Jesus the glorious Lord. We are the followers of this glorious Lord. Shall we be ready to see his glory?

In the first reading, God promises descendants to Abraham and make a covenant with him.

In the second reading, Paul praises the Philippians for their exemplary faith and encourages them to stand firm on it.

So, what message does the feast of the Transfiguration of Jesus give? It does give the message of a reminder as well as an assurance that Christian lives should be oriented towards meeting the glorious Christ. This meeting also depends on our belief in the resurrection which is the basic tenet of our faith.

If we want to inherit heaven and enjoy the vision as Peter, James and John did, let us pay attention to the word of God which is his voice that is heard in the Eucharist every day. Let us also sincerely pray that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ and become his true followers.

Father Raj
