"> February 29, 2020 7:45 pm – Prince of Peace

February 29, 2020 7:45 pm

February 28, 2020
Important Message from Bishop Gainer:
At the direction of Bishop Gainer all parishes and institutions are instructed to suspend the distribution of the Precious Blood by way of the Chalice and to OMIT the Sign of Peace.
Regarding the Sign of Peace, the priest/celebrant continues to say., “The peace of the Lord be with you always,” with the Assembly responding. The invitation to exchange peace is omitted (in accord with #128 Ordo Missae) and the Communion Rite continues.
This decision has been made out of prudence due to the serious nature of the influenza virus this season and due to the public concerns about the coronavirus. Thank you.

February 28, 2020
Important Message from Bishop Gainer:
At the direction of Bishop Gainer all parishes and institutions are instructed to suspend the distribution of the Precious Blood by way of the Chalice and to OMIT the Sign of Peace.
Regarding the Sign of Peace, the priest/celebrant continues to say., “The peace of the Lord be with you always,” with the Assembly responding. The invitation to exchange peace is omitted (in accord with #128 Ordo Missae) and the Communion Rite continues.
This decision has been made out of prudence due to the serious nature of the influenza virus this season and due to the public concerns about the coronavirus. Thank you.
