Dear Parishioners in Christ Jesus,
I hope you area all staying safe. I thank God for having brought me to serve you here. I pray that you may be guided by the Holy Spirit to live a grace-filled and happy life.
The passage from Isaiah 61:1-2 which Jesus read in the synagogue of Nazareth has messianic and salvific connotations. Jesus proclaims himself to be the initiator of the new era of salvation. Only Jesus who has come from God could have said that the passage he read was fulfilled in himself. Jesus has come to save us all. Jesus begins his messianic mission in the synagogue of the town where he has gown up. The Gospel of Luke which is an orderly account of what Jesus has done and preaches is an edifying account. It was written to give the pious man, Theophilus, information about Jesus that would build-up his faith. The Gospel also continues to edify and enlighten us.
In the first reading we have a graphic picture of the solemn reading of the Word of God by Ezra in the hearing of the people. The people welcome the move of Ezra and shed tears on hearing the Word of God.
In the second reading Paul corrects the misunderstandings in the Corinthian community regarding the spiritual gifts. Therefore, let’s accept Jesus as our Messianic Savior and ask God to save us from all harm through Jesus Christ.
Fr. Raj