"> January 2025 – Prince of Peace

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Epiphany of the Lord

Dear Parishioners,

We have come together to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany. This feast commemorates the visit of the Wise Men to worship the Baby Jesus. These men were astrologers who were looking for the star that would lead them to the promised Messiah.

According to the Gospel narratives, the Wise Men brought with them gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. These gifts are very meaningful.

Gold is a precious and an expensive gift which shows how important Jesus is.

Frankincense is a sweet perfume which is often burned in the Temple to worship God. It is a sign that Jesus should be worshipped.

Myrrh was used to keep things fresh, and it was used by the women to anoint Jesus’ body when he died.

By bringing them as gifts to Jesus, the Wise Men foretold his suffering and death. The Wise Men had to show great courage and diligence in order to find the Christ Child and their reaction was to fall down and worship him.

So my dear friends, the feast of the Epiphany allows us to know and reflect on the universality of salvation in Christ. The universal salvific will of God is God’s fundamental loving intention to save all human beings.

The Magi’s role as prefiguring the acceptance of Gentiles into the Christian community points towards the universal character of the gospel; it is meant to be shared with all peoples. Let us, therefore, examine our conscience and ask ourselves: Do I know the same diligence as the Wise Men did in finding Jesus?

Fr. Raj

The Most Holy Name of Jesus

Beloved, we are God’s children now, what we shall be has not yet been revealed. We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as he is: (1 John 3:2)

Today, January 3rd is the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. So, what’s in a name anyway.

The mention of another’s name brings to mind various aspects of their personality and identity but in a limited way, for we can never know another person completely even ourselves. What a mystery we all are.

The name of Jesus evokes images of a child, a dying man, out strength and our comfort, our Risen Lord. We know him, yes, but only in part. In the mystery and shadows of this life on earth, this Holy Name brings hope for the time outside of time and all other limits when knowing and perfectly known we will see him as he is.

In your name, Jesus, I give thanks and move forward in hope.

Follow God’s Plan

And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them, until it came and stopped over the place where the child was. Matthew 2:9.

God has a purpose for you. He has a plan for you and is calling you right now. Through prayer and discernment, you come to understand where God is leading you.

Our celebration of Epiphany centers around the three kings. Imagine these kings or magi. They are living their lives, and suddenly, they see something in the night sky. They see a star. Upon study and consultation, they determine it is a rare star, signaling the birth of a king. They begin to follow the star and set out for where it will lead them. Imagine the joy and delight once they arrive at the crib, seeing the Christ Child and conversing with Joseph and Mary. They found the one for whom they searched.

The magi were meant to find Jesus. They discovered what God wanted them to do. God has a plan for you. Ask him to reveal it to you, and when he does, follow wherever it leads you.
