This past Thursday, the Church celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This is the patronal feast of the Americas-North, Central and South America. Under this title, Mary is seen as a loving mother, especially to those who are in need of protection, for the poor, the marginalized, the oppressed and the unborn. The shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe is especially beautiful. The following prayer comes from those who visit there. It is inscribed in the chapel, requesting the intercession of the Blessed Mother under her title as the Patroness of Latin America.
“Dearest Lady of Guadalupe, fruitful Mother of Holiness, teach me your ways of gentleness and strength. Hear my prayer offered with deep felt confidence to beg this favor…O Mary, conceived without sin, I come to your throne of grace to share the fervent devotion of your faithful Mexican children who call to you under the glorious Aztec title of “Guadalupe” the virgin who crushed the serpent. Queen of Martyrs, whose Immaculate Heart was pierced by seven wounds of grief, help me to walk valiantly amid the sharp thorns thrown across my pathway. Queen of Apostles, aid me to win souls for the Sacred Heart of my Savior I plead this through the merits of your merciful Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”