"> Sunday, October 13 – Prince of Peace

Sunday, October 13

Dear Friends,

Next weekend is Mission Sunday, Having been the Director of the Office of Pontifical Missions for the past four months has opened my eyes to the needs of the many places in our world where the Catholic Church is in great need. From physical deprivations to persecutions to a lack of catechist, priests and sisters so many of our brothers and sisters in Christ are suffering. Please be generous to the collection next weekend. It is almost hard to believe that basic needs–clean water, food, clothing, shelter–that we take for granted are what so many need throughout the world. It is also had to believe how much good we do with out generosity to the poor!

Over the past four months, I have met and received letters from representatives of the many Missionary Apostolates throughout the world telling me of the great work of evangelization that is taking place among the poorest of the poor, in war-torn countries, and in countless lands where Christians are actively being reduced to second-class citizens. Many are being martyred for their Faith!

Not only are financial contributions necessary but your prayers as well. Please pray for the Missions. We are truly brothers and sisters because of our common Baptism and, even though we may never meet them, our prayers can help them in ways we may never know. Thank you in advance for your prayers, kindness and generosity.

Fr. Al Sceski, Parish Administrator
