November 7, 2021
We will celebrate a Eucharistic Holy Hour to Pray for Vocations on Thursday, November 11 in our Parish Church at 6:00 pm. The doors to our Parish Church will open by 5:30 pm. Our celebrant will be Fr. Jon Sawicki as vocations to the priesthood are very near and dear to his heart as the Diocesan Director of Vocations. Come and join Father for this solemn devotion.
November 7, 2021 6:00 pm
November 7, 2021
We will celebrate a Eucharistic Holy Hour to Pray for Vocations on Thursday, November 11 in our Parish Church at 6:00 pm. The doors to our Parish Church will open by 5:30 pm. Our celebrant will be Fr. Jon Sawicki as vocations to the priesthood are very near and dear to his heart as the Diocesan Director of Vocations. Come and join Father for this solemn devotion.