"> December 16, 2020 8:00 pm – Prince of Peace

December 16, 2020 8:00 pm

December 11, 2020
Celebrate the Christmas Season with your favorite carols! Several members of our Parish have safely produced an independent Christmas Album, “Veni, Veni Emmanuel”. The CD will be on sale for $15.00 after our weekend Masses or in the Parish Office. You may also contact steelvoxmusic@gmail.com for additional orders. Enjoy Steelton favorites like: “Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle” and “Kyrie Eleison” to traditional tunes such as “Silent Night” and “Angels We Have Heard On High.” Proceeds from the sale of the CD will be donated to Prince of Peace Parish. Thank you in advance for your purchase.

December 11, 2020
Celebrate the Christmas Season with your favorite carols! Several members of our Parish have safely produced an independent Christmas Album, “Veni, Veni Emmanuel”. The CD will be on sale for $15.00 after our weekend Masses or in the Parish Office. You may also contact steelvoxmusic@gmail.com for additional orders. Enjoy Steelton favorites like: “Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle” and “Kyrie Eleison” to traditional tunes such as “Silent Night” and “Angels We Have Heard On High.” Proceeds from the sale of the CD will be donated to Prince of Peace Parish. Thank you in advance for your purchase.
