"> March 19, 2020 6:00 pm – Prince of Peace

March 19, 2020 6:00 pm

March 19, 2020
Bishop Gainer in communion with Pope Francis and the faithful throughout the world will be praying the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary today at 4 pm. The Diocese will be live streaming Bishop Gainer praying the Rosary on the Diocesan Facebook page (www.facebook.com/DioceseofHarrisburg) and YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/user/hbgdiocese).
Please join Bishop Gainer in praying the Luminous Mysteries for the protection of our families.
Please forward this information to your family, friends and fellow parishioners.

March 19, 2020
Bishop Gainer in communion with Pope Francis and the faithful throughout the world will be praying the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary today at 4 pm. The Diocese will be live streaming Bishop Gainer praying the Rosary on the Diocesan Facebook page (www.facebook.com/DioceseofHarrisburg) and YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/user/hbgdiocese).
Please join Bishop Gainer in praying the Luminous Mysteries for the protection of our families.
Please forward this information to your family, friends and fellow parishioners.
