Picnic Time
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Cibort Park in Bressler from 12 noon to 8 pm.
Enjoy lamb, pork, hot dogs, barbecue, cabbage and noodles, potatoe salad, Sarma…pig in the blanket, french fries, funnel cakes and lots more.
Strudels..cheese, apple and cherry.
Lots of ethnic desserts and foods for all appetites. Beverages both alcoholic and Non-alcoholic.
Some surprises for the children as well.
Music by the Happy Slovenes and Reminiece for listening or dancing or just toe tapping.
Meet up with friends of old and enjoy time with family.
July 8, 2019 5:00 pm
Picnic Time
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Cibort Park in Bressler from 12 noon to 8 pm.
Enjoy lamb, pork, hot dogs, barbecue, cabbage and noodles, potatoe salad, Sarma…pig in the blanket, french fries, funnel cakes and lots more.
Strudels..cheese, apple and cherry.
Lots of ethnic desserts and foods for all appetites. Beverages both alcoholic and Non-alcoholic.
Some surprises for the children as well.
Music by the Happy Slovenes and Reminiece for listening or dancing or just toe tapping.
Meet up with friends of old and enjoy time with family.