Monday, February 25, 2019
Faith teaches us that God loves us and that He loves us not as a group, but personally, individually. He loved me! Each one of us can make these words of the Apostle Paul his own without fear of error. He knows my name, He has engraved my image in His heart. Still more, I can be assured that His heart is all mine, because our Lord cannot love as we do, by halves; when He loves, He loves with His whole heart, infinitely.
February 25, 2019 3:00 pm
Monday, February 25, 2019
Faith teaches us that God loves us and that He loves us not as a group, but personally, individually. He loved me! Each one of us can make these words of the Apostle Paul his own without fear of error. He knows my name, He has engraved my image in His heart. Still more, I can be assured that His heart is all mine, because our Lord cannot love as we do, by halves; when He loves, He loves with His whole heart, infinitely.