Saturday, May 18, 2019
O Mary, obtain for us from God that light that will eclipse the things of earth, that clarity that transcends the visible, so that we may be able to enter into the sanctuary of the Heart of Jesus. We want to be able to take abode in that God-Man. We want to lose ourselves in His love and rejoice here in this earthly exile, knowing through You what Jesus is like. That He is love, and is ever seeking our love. Amen.
May 18, 2019 2:00 pm
Saturday, May 18, 2019
O Mary, obtain for us from God that light that will eclipse the things of earth, that clarity that transcends the visible, so that we may be able to enter into the sanctuary of the Heart of Jesus. We want to be able to take abode in that God-Man. We want to lose ourselves in His love and rejoice here in this earthly exile, knowing through You what Jesus is like. That He is love, and is ever seeking our love. Amen.