Monday, April 15, 2019
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Easter Egg Hunt at Mohn Park along with the borough Police and Firefighters.
The kids enjoyed our Easter treat bags and the Easter Bunny was a big hit, too. I don’t think anyone brought him a carrot!
We distributed 12 Easter ham dinner baskets to families in our community. The baskets included cookies, a variety of candy and bottles of soda along with nutritious foods such as corn, green beans, soup, rolls, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy and of course an Easter ham.
We wanted to share our Prince of Peace Parish blessings with the local community. May the Risen Lord continue to bless our Parish and the Steelton community.
April 15, 2019 5:00 pm
Monday, April 15, 2019
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Easter Egg Hunt at Mohn Park along with the borough Police and Firefighters.
The kids enjoyed our Easter treat bags and the Easter Bunny was a big hit, too. I don’t think anyone brought him a carrot!
We distributed 12 Easter ham dinner baskets to families in our community. The baskets included cookies, a variety of candy and bottles of soda along with nutritious foods such as corn, green beans, soup, rolls, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy and of course an Easter ham.
We wanted to share our Prince of Peace Parish blessings with the local community. May the Risen Lord continue to bless our Parish and the Steelton community.