We are happy to add names of friends and relatives to our prayer list. A list of names can be found in our Sunday bulletin.
We would appreciate your letting the office know if there is a change in their status.
Lord Jesus please watch over the parishioners, family members and friends listed on our Prayer List. Shower Your graces on them that they may be healed, be consoled and know that our Parish Family is praying for their return to health if it be God’s will.
Military Prayer:
O God, kindly watch over those exposed to the dangers of military life.
Give them such strong faith that nothing may ever lead them to deny it or fear to practice it.
Fortify them by your grace against the contagion of bad example, so that, preserved from vice and serving you faithfully, they may be ready to meet death, if it should come.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, inspire them with sorrow for sin and grant them pardon.
Mary, our Mother, be with them in battle, and should they be called upon to make the supreme sacrifice,
obtain for them the grace to die in the love of your Divine Son. St. Joseph, pray for them. Amen.
Daily Prayer for All Military Personnel (Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA)
Let Us Prayerfully Remember Those Who Have Died Since All Souls Day: November 2, 2024 Eternal Rest Grant unto them, O Lord…and Let Perpetual light shine upon them. May they… PRAYER FOR OUR DECEASED: God Our Father, Your power brings us to birth, Your providence guides our lives, and by Your command we return to dust. … Pray for Peace and continue to pray for those parishioners, relatives and friends of our parishioners who are actively serving in all Branches of the U.S. Military: A Prayer for…Let Us Prayerfully Remember
Prayer for our Deceased
Prayer for Those in the Military